Autumn Wine Tours

I know. The title of this blog post is enough all on its own. I really don’t need to say much beyond this as you already have wonderful images, feelings, and thoughts in your mind that evoke those “Fall Feelings”. If you have visited a Carolina winery in the Autumn, you already know. There is nothing we can write here or put in pictures that is going to top what you already have in your mind based on previous experience. For those of you “in the know”, you are done here. You do not need to read anymore. If you are not one of those people, then this article if for you.

For you the reader, who has never been to a Carolina winery in the Fall, we will do our best to describe, in both words and pictures, the most pleasant and perfect environment available on the planet. Just know, however, that whatever we put here in this article is going to fall short of describing what it is actually like to experience this season in person. There are just not enough words in the English language that can accurately capture the pure joy of a Autumn day in North Carolina or that day combined with being at a beautiful vineyard. We are, however, up to the task of trying our best to put this feeling in words.

Overmountain Vineyards Autumn
Autumn at the Tryon Wineries (Overmoutain Vineyards)

The Five Senses…

Any joyful or pleasant experience is going to be a result of something interacting positively with at least one of your five senses; sight, sound, smell, taste, touch. Autumn in the Carolinas at a local vineyard or winery will redline all five:


Try to picture in your mind, the most pleasing color palette possible, colors that are perfectly combined and contrasted to give your eyes this comfortable and peaceful feeling of eye-zen. Warm oranges, stimulating yellows, flashy reds, and soft browns with a perfect Carolina blue sky or sunset as icing on top of an all things Autumn cake in a landscape provided by Mother Nature. Total eye candy that you never tire of, I mean you could gaze upon the natural beauty for hours upon end.


It might be the relaxing sound of a creek, birds chirping in the distance, a crackling fire, or perhaps the joy that comes from hearing a musician blend notes together into something peaceful. It might also be the deafening roar of complete silence. Whatever it is, your ears are not exempt from complete and total bliss of Autumn when you are in the Carolinas.


How could you capture the smell of Autumn in words? We could take the easy route and just say pumpkin spiced everything but it is so much more than that. The smell of the earth changing as it reabsorbs much of what it gave through the Spring and Summer. The smell of a fire as it burns to keep you warm. The crisp smell of coolness as the evening air has that slight bite to it. Or, since we are talking about wineries, the nose of a perfectly paired wine and terroir of the season. That dark fruit aroma of that great red wine you are enjoying. We could go on forever here…


Think of Autumn spice, apples, pumpkins, caramel, warm stews/soups, and great wine. Your taste buds will be in for an epic experience as everything tastes better during the Fall. A lot of this may have something to do with all of your other senses being overloaded as well.


The most important and significant of all of the senses is probably the most effected by Autumn. The warmth of the Sun, a fire, or a blanket wrapped around you as it contrasts and comforts you in the cool mountain Autumn air. The relaxing feeling of sitting in an environment where you don’t feel the need to worry about anything, even just for that moment. Or maybe the touch of a loved one while you hold their hand or snuggle up enjoying many of the other senses combined that you are being blasted with at that moment.

Yadkin Valley Autumn
Autumn in the Yadkin Valley

You are in for a Treat!

We have tried our best to give you the reasons why Autumn in the Carolinas at a local vineyard / winery is going to be epic, but to truly understand and appreciate this unique and exceptional season, you will need to experience it for yourself. All we can say is that you are truly in for a treat. We can help set you up with a great experience at many of the wineries we frequently visit. Our guests enjoy all of the seasons at the wineries but the Fall is amazing! So when you are ready to just sit back end enjoy the winery or experience something more elevated, we can arrange an experience that will exceed your expectations. Simply reserve online or give us a call to book your wine tour today!

Tryon Foothills Wineries
Autumn Fireplace (Mountain Brook Vineyards)
Avatar for Ryan Watts

I am the founder of Van in Black. I also started HD Carolina (the first Carolina themed channel on Roku and Amazon Fire TV) and several other service based companies located in North Carolina. I am also a musician, photographer, wine geek (WSET Level 3 in Wines Certified with merit and Level 1 with the Court of Master Sommeliers), computer nerd, member of the Sourtoe Cocktail Club, and lover of all things cool. Most importantly, however, I am a husband, father, and very proud (newly minted) grandfather.

4 thoughts on “Autumn Wine Tours”

  1. Hey Ryan,
    Do you offer couple wine tours? Was thinking about maybe just Jannie and I taking a tour as a romantic get away for us.

  2. I am planning a bachelorette trip for next September (so far away I know), but I wanted to get more information on wine tours! Thank you!


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