We Did It Again!

Once again, we are super excited and humbled to announce that one of our companies, Asheville Wine Tours, has been nominated by USA Today as a “Top 10” wine tour company in the nation. This is our second year of making it to this list and during the competition for the top spot last year we ultimately placed 6th overall. We would have preferred 1st place but when you consider that we were up against tour companies from much larger and well-known wine regions like Napa, Sonoma, Paso Robles, and the Finger Lakes, 6th place wasn’t too bad for this small family run business that just started in 2018. When we received the announcement this year we were even more excited than last year and have more of a “Game On!” attitude. We are going to the top spot this year and need your help! But first, a quick shout-out to the wineries in the Asheville area…

The Asheville Area Wineries…

We couldn’t be an “Asheville Wine Tour” company without the Asheville wineries. All we really are doing is just acting as a conduit for folks visiting the area to the wineries in and around the city. Yes, we tell them all about it and we even have certified wine experts on our staff that can totally geek out about wine and how it is produced in the area. But without the wineries themselves, or should I say the quality wineries, our tours would be nothing. Nobody wants to get in a car and drive around with a wine nerd without ever visiting a winery. The wineries are where the magic happens. It is where the natural beauty of our area blends with the cultivated vines and architecture of the buildings into something special. The experience wouldn’t happen without the wineries. So, as much as we would like to take credit for this recognition, it is more about the area than anything. The area is what is being recognized!

The Competition…

If you remember from last year, the “Top 10” list is a competition. We have made it to “the list” and now the real fun begins. To take the top spot, we need votes….Lots of votes! The “top 10” list is actually a competition to see who gets to top spot. It opens up for a period of 4 weeks where people can go online and vote for their favorite company. There are a bunch of other categories too but we are focused like a laser on the wine tour category. You can click on the link below and vote for us once a day per device (you could vote from your phone and your desktop). At the end of the competition, whoever has the most votes gets the crowed #1 in their respective top-10 list. Easy enough? Yes but no. The process is simple but the competition will be fierce and we need all of the help we can get. If you are familiar with our company and the tours that we provide, please vote for us early and often (every day!). As they say in EVERY election, your vote matters.

Here is the official link that you can use to vote for our company “Asheville Wine Tours”:


Avatar for Ryan Watts

I am the founder of Van in Black. I also started HD Carolina (the first Carolina themed channel on Roku and Amazon Fire TV) and several other service based companies located in North Carolina. I am also a musician, photographer, wine geek (WSET Level 3 in Wines Certified with merit and Level 1 with the Court of Master Sommeliers), computer nerd, and lover of all things cool. Most importantly, however, I am a husband, father, and very proud (newly minted) grandfather.

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