Asheville Beer Tours

I am not sure what this says about those of us who live in the Asheville area, except that maybe we like beer, but there are a lot of breweries in and around Asheville. This is with a big emphasis on the phrase “a lot“. Seriously! Saying Asheville is a beer city is like saying the Pope is Catholic. Each word is almost synonymous with the other. While this isn’t recommended (for your liver’s sake), you could hypothetically spend a month in the area and visit 3-4 new breweries each day and never visit the same one twice. And when you factor in the short brewing cycle for new batches (it isn’t like wine where it can take 2-3 years!), Asheville is a true beer lovers utopia where there is always something new brewing (pun intended) making the beer scene ever changing where there is always something new and exciting to be sampled. This is true for both the visiting tourist as well as the the established native who has lived here their whole life.

A lot to choose from!
The typical line-up at a brewery…

Responsible Enjoyment…

There are always going to be more options available to sample than any person could reasonably enjoy within the lifespan of a particular brew or batch. With that being the case, how do you responsibly enjoy the overwhelming number of suds options? We have a few ideas…

Be selective

With so many options available, you don’t have to try it all. Start by setting your own expectations or limitations. As cool and fun and it sounds, you don’t have to drink it all. And trust me, this only “sounds” fun but the reality wouldn’t be nearly as cool as it sounds. Be the responsible beer drinker and identify what you like and what you don’t like. This will not only help you enjoy more of what you like, but it will be fun and somewhat educational as you will have to learn more about the styles and components of what you like in a beer. Do you tend to like more of the hoppy beers or malty beers? Lagers, ales or sours? Beers, like many other crafted adult beverages, are not as simple as they first appear. There is a lot that goes into making a good beer and many different styles and variables that the brewer can choose from while they are crafting it. Taking the time to learn more about beer styles will not only make the experience more enjoyable but it will also help you hone in on what you like so you don’t waste your time (and money!) on beer styles that you know you don’t like.

If you are driving yourself, just have one

You may not always have the time or the money to hire a driver or you may not have access to a designated driver to help you in your endeavor to sample the best brewski’s. That is fine too. Not everyday can be a full on pub crawl but you can responsibly chisel away at the seemingly endless pints to sample just one glass at a time. That’s one glass at a time per day (not one and then another, etc.). Sometimes it is okay to just have one and chill out for a bit. Maybe have it with dinner or with a friend who is meeting you at the brewery (where you are both driving). Just have one and come back another day to have another one.

Hire a driver or guide (like Van in Black!)

We think the best option, however, is to hire us to drive you around. With a company like Van in Black, you are free to enjoy more than one as you don’t have to worry about driving. It is the most responsible way to enjoy beer in bulk and can also be a lot of fun. It also lets you safely sample multiple breweries and more brews than you safely could if you are driving yourself. Note that you don’t want to go overboard on this and we still recommend that you go with our first recommendation (Be Selective!). However, if you want to enjoy a tour of multiple breweries without the burden or responsibility of driving during this process, Van in Black is the way to go!

Beer Spoken Here!
Although we would be driving(not drinking), beer is spoken here.

To Asheville and Beyond!!!

If you are going to tour the breweries in the Asheville area, you have to also consider the smaller cities and regions that are around Asheville because the beer scene isn’t limited to just the city of Asheville. Yes, there are plenty of breweries inside the city and you could literally spend days there just visiting those. But there are also many great breweries that are just outside the city and definitely worth the time to check them out for yourself. This also greatly increases the variety and options you have for being selective and going to the breweries that feature the styles of beer you like. Remember, it is about quality and not necessarily about quantity. You are not going to “taste them all!”. From our perspective, as a transportation provider, we have a couple of points for you to consider when planning a tour:

Inside the City…

As stated above, inside the city you are going to find plenty of options. Being that Asheville is a city, the breweries here are going to be more crowded and have more of a ”scene” feel to it. We are not stating this as a negative or positive thing, it is just a thing. There are more people in the city and there is definitely a scene or vibe going on with the breweries. On busy days, despite there being so many breweries, there may be short lines to get inside some of the places as they can only allow a certain number of guests in at a time. Once you are inside, it is going to be a happening place…It is the city! There are also so many breweries that you can walk (not very far) from one to another. If you are going to be spending the day visiting the breweries inside the city, you may only need a company like Van in Black to get you into the city and then pick you up at the end of the day. We can work with you on this and potentially offer packages or deals to support this type of drop off/pick up transportation. If you are staying at one of the many downtown hotels, you will likely not even need a transportation option like Van in Black and that is okay too. Asheville is a wonderfully walkable city and if you are staying downtown you are going to have epic breweries, restaurants, and attractions that are all within a reasonable walk from your hotel. We are here to serve so just let us know what your needs are and we will see if we can help!

Get Yourself Some Suds!
Get Yourself Some Suds!

Outside the City…

If you want to get outside the city to explore some of the great breweries in the surrounding towns (and you should!), then we are here to help by providing door-to-door service for your pub crawl. Towns such as Hendersonville, Mills River, Black Mountain, Weaverville, and beyond all have places that should be on your radar. At these locations you are going to find less of the “scene” that you have inside the city as they will be less crowded. They still have their own vibe but it is just different and more relaxed. It may offer more of an opportunity to talk to the staff and learn more about their wares. Who knows, you may even get to talk with the actual brewer at some of these places. Van in Black is able to help you by recommending some locations just outside the city where you can have a safe, fun, enjoyable day touring some of the neighboring breweries.

Whatever You Want, We Are Here to Help…

However you want to explore and tour the numerous and ever growing list of breweries in this area, we are here to help by offering up some suggestions and providing safe, reliable, and affordable transportation options for your tour. Give us a call to get started or visit our Booking page to book your tour today!

Avatar for Ryan Watts

I am the founder of Van in Black. I also started HD Carolina (the first Carolina themed channel on Roku and Amazon Fire TV) and several other service based companies located in North Carolina. I am also a musician, photographer, wine geek (WSET Level 3 in Wines Certified with merit and Level 1 with the Court of Master Sommeliers), computer nerd, and lover of all things cool. Most importantly, however, I am a husband, father, and very proud (newly minted) grandfather.

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