WSET Level 2

Our three employees who recently completed their WSET Level 1 in wines certification have now moved up to Level 2. They successfully completed the instruction and testing to achieve a Level 2 in wines certification from the Wine and Spirits Educational Trust (WSET) organization. Two of our employees passed their exam with merit and one (myself; not to brag…well, maybe a little humble brag!) passed with distinction. If you would like to know what WSET is, we described it in our Level 1 post.

A Commitment to Our Customers Experience

As stated in our previous post when we achieved Level 1, this represented our commitment to our customers; to elevate our wine tours and the customer experience to the highest level of customer service possible. We have found that while everyone isn’t a full on wine geek like we are, most people on our wine tours do have some questions and are genuinely interested in learning more about the wines they are tasting as well as grape growing in this region; the whole vine to wine process. It is our hope that we are able to successfully answer their questions and address the interests of the most beginning wine enthusiast all the way up to the wine aficionado, the oenophile. Regardless of your level of knowledge or interest, we want your experience to be epic! With that being said, we are not resting with just three employees who have achieved certification or just Level 2…

To Level 3 and Beyond!

As you can probably guess, we are not planning to stop at Level 2. We are already looking at the requirements for Level 3 which, apparently, will include a blind tasting. This sounds very challenging but it also sounds like a lot fun too! We are also going to be sending more employees to “wine college” so that we can offer the elevated experience to more of our clients. We are looking into training and certifications from some of the other internationally recognized wine organizations as well. Stay tuned for more information on all of this. Exciting times! So, like we signed off on our last post about this topic…Buckle up…this is going to be a fun ride! Cheers!

Avatar for Ryan Watts

I am the founder of Van in Black. I also started HD Carolina (the first Carolina themed channel on Roku and Amazon Fire TV) and several other service based companies located in North Carolina. I am also a musician, photographer, wine geek (WSET Level 3 in Wines Certified with merit and Level 1 with the Court of Master Sommeliers), computer nerd, and lover of all things cool. Most importantly, however, I am a husband, father, and very proud (newly minted) grandfather.

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